
春季毕业典礼- 2024年5月18日星期六



祝贺南澳大学2024届毕业生! Graduation candidates and their families should review the information below for important updates and approaching deadlines for the spring commencement ceremony. Please continue to review this page throughout the semester for more updates as they become available. 进一步的问题可以直接问 注册商@52377.net.

毕业学生: Click 在这里 to schedule an optional meeting with Isabella Foral, Assistant 注册商 讨论你在毕业前的学业进展.



Please check back often as the dates and details are being updated as the semester progresses.

2024年3月15日|下午4:30 |注册办公室

Students who plan to graduate for the spring 2024 term are required to apply for graduation by submitting the 毕业申请. Students who apply after the March 15th deadline will not be listed in the printed program or other printed materials.


最后期限 颁授毕业礼 2024年4月1日是哪一天! All orders will be delivered to the SAU bookstore and graduates will pay for their order at pick up. 请联系上海外国语大学书店:books@sau.Edu有问题吗?.

2024年5月2日|下午6:00 | Rogalski中心宴会厅

Awards Night is the annual ceremony recognizing students for their academic achievements in and out of the classroom. Students are nominated for recognition by faculty and staff for their work over their entire tenure at SAU. Students will be contacted by the nominator if they will be receiving an award at the event.

2024年5月5日|下午3:00 | Rogalski中心宴会厅

The purpose of the Stole Donning Ceremony is to recognize and promote the significance of family, 朋友, and the “university family” in the accomplishments of our graduates of a particular ethnic background. 为了达到这个目的, 参与的学生被认为是亚洲人, 黑色/非裔美国人, 西班牙/ Latinx, 本土/印第安人, 太平洋岛民将获得一件具有文化代表性的披肩. 学生应提交 文化偷窃仪式申请 到4月28日.

2024年5月8日至18日| 8:30am-4:30pm |南澳大学书店

研究生s can pick up and pay for their regalia from the bookstore on the first floor. 书店星期五将调整营业时间, 5月17日上午8:30 -下午6:00和周六, 5月18日上午8:00 -下午1:00. 请与书店联系 books@52377.net 有问题吗?.


2024年5月10日|下午4:30 |学生金融服务

毕业生将支付50美元.5月10日前交00元毕业费. Students who pay after the deadline might experience delays in receiving their diploma and transcripts. 请致电学生财务服务 sfs@52377.net 有问题的.

2024年5月13日|下午4:00 | Rogalski中心宴会厅

勋章将颁发给即将毕业的退伍军人和现役军人, 荣誉勋章将颁发给退伍军人的子女和配偶. 表彰他们的成就, 这些将与毕业典礼上的毕业装一起穿着. 酒会之后还有茶点. Students wishing to participate should confirm their attendance by completing the RSVP表单. 请与退伍军人服务部联系 Veterans@52377.net 有问题的.

2024年5月16日|下午5:00 | Galvin Fine Arts

Graduating undergraduate students who are participating in the commencement ceremony are required to attend the 毕业典礼 Rehearsal. Check-in will begin at 4:00pm in the main lobby of the Galvin Fine Arts building. 不能参加毕业典礼彩排的同学请发邮件通知 注册商@52377.net 接受进一步指示.

2024年5月16日|下午5:30 |蜂巢

Undergraduate students are invited to the 高级接待 hosted by the SAU 校友 Office to celebrate their upcoming graduation and their final days as an SAU student. 免费提供啤酒、葡萄酒、苏打水和开胃菜给学生. 需要驾驶执照.

2024年5月17日|下午4:30 |基督国王教堂

Graduating students and their families are invited to join us for the 毕业典礼的质量 at Christ the King chapel. 毕业的学生将获得一个十字手镯作为毕业礼物.

2024年5月17日|晚7:00 | Galvin Fine Arts

护理别针仪式表彰和庆祝毕业的护理学生. The ceremony marks the students’ transition from nursing students to professional nurses. 研究生s will be presented with a pin which represents the values and traditions of our nursing program. 我们邀请所有的家人和朋友来庆祝毕业生的成就.

2024年5月18日|上午9:00 | The MARK

The 研究生和博士毕业典礼 will take place on May 18th at 9:00am at the Vibrant Arena in Moline, IL.

毕业生信息:毕业生登记将于上午8点开始. 研究生s should enter through the Employee Entrance on the south side of the Vibrant Arena which is directly beneath the skywalk. Guest 信息rmation: Attendance is free and t在这里 is no limit on how many guests can attend per graduate. Parking is available in the parking garage and parking lots across the street from the Vibrant Arena.

2024年5月18日| 10:00 -11:30 | Rogalski中心宴会厅

A commencement brunch will be provided to celebrate our new graduates and their families! Advance registration is required and registration can be completed between March 1st-May 10th. 成本是15美元.每人(13岁或以上),$8.每人(6-12岁)$4.00元/人(5岁及以下). 研究生不需要付费,但需要注册. 注册在这里.

2024年5月18日|下午1:00 | The MARK

The Undergraduate Ceremony will take place on May 18th at 1:00pm at the Vibrant Arena in Moline, IL.

毕业生信息:毕业生登记将于上午11:30开始. 研究生s should enter through the Employee Entrance on the south side of the Vibrant Arena which is directly beneath the skywalk. Guest 信息rmation: Attendance is free and t在这里 is no limit on how many guests can attend per graduate. Parking is available in the parking garage and parking lots across the street from the Vibrant Arena.

2024年6月10日至14日| 8:00am-4:30pm |注册办公室

Students may choose to pick up their diplomas in the 注册商’s office from June 10th-14th. 如需亲自领取文凭,请发送电子邮件 注册商@52377.net 上面有你的学生证号码和你拿文凭的意图. 取车时请携带带照片的身份证件.

2024年6月17日|下午4:30 |注册办公室

Diplomas that were not picked up will be sent to the campus post office on June 17, 2024. 持有帐户的学生将不会收到他们的文凭. 电子邮件 注册商@52377.net 邮寄地址有任何更改, 在文凭上印上姓名, 要求提早邮寄, 或者其他更新和问题.

授予学位 学生账户




祝贺所有即将毕业的同学们! 候选人名单将很快公布.



The SAU community looks forward to celebrating with you on this special day for your graduate!

All graduations/commencement ceremonies will require guests and attendees to enter through entrances with walk-through metal detectors. 我们还将执行我们的行李政策, which is any bag/purse over 5"x7"x1" will need to be returned to their vehicle or checked in at Guest Services. Our only exceptions to this are for medical reasons or diaper bags (with small child/children present upon entry). 医疗袋和尿布袋在入境时将被搜查. 我们不允许使用空气喇叭或任何形式的噪音制造者. 其他禁止携带的物品, 还有各种武器, 是小刀吗?, 胡椒喷雾和氦气球.

继续阅读更多信息,并联系 注册商@52377.net 有问题吗?.


The MARK充满活力的竞技场

  • Attendance is free and t在这里 is no limit on how many guests can attend per graduate
  • Parking is available in the parking garage and parking lots across the street from the Vibrant Arena


在事件, Vibrant Arena offers 43 handicapped parking spaces and a drop-off lane for easy access. 另外, 通往Metro LINK停车坡道的天桥提供了250多个停车位, 可以直接进入竞技场大厅.


请查看 St. 竞技宝app下载安装书店 来庆祝你的毕业! SAU书店出售文凭框架,礼品和配件,和校友齿轮!

Graduation t-shirts, necklaces, and flowers are available for purchase by ordering 在这里! 家庭也可以在毕业典礼上购买这些物品.


座位 & 电梯

Protected alcoves by the suites on the concourse level are available for wheelchair users, 可容纳一至两位随行客人. The Accessibility Resource Center reserves the top row of the lower bowl for additional guests. 设施的电梯, 位于西端的门, 在主楼层和大厅层之间运行, 105段附近开口.


客人可向售票处的宾客服务要求轮椅协助. Wheelchairs are available for arrival and departure but are not kept with guests during the event to assist others. Ushers will assist guests to their seats and note their location for departure assistance.


If the graduate or their family requires special accommodations to attend the 毕业典礼 ceremony please contact the Accessibility Resource Center at 563-333-6275 or email arc@52377.net





518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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